Is YT Tracker safe?
- 02 Jun, 2020
YT Tracker is an iOS app created and maintained by Edouard Barbier 🐦 @edouard_iosdev, an independent iOS developer and YouTuber.
YT Tracker helps YouTubers grow on YouTube in various ways thanks to a set of features built over the last couple of years.
How does it work?
- Download & launch the app.
- After viewing a short tutorial, you will land on the Sign Up screen.
- An account needs to be created to authorize the app to display some of your channel’s analytics data.
- Switch the toggle to accept the Terms of Use & Privacy policy, then hit the ‘Sign in with Google’ button
- You will be prompted to enter your Google credentials (you need to use the same email as the one you use for your YouTube channel)
- Google will then ask you to grand YT Tracker a list of permission.
- Scroll down and once tap ‘Allow’ to trigger the account creation process. The app will then be able to load your progress.
- You’re all set! Welcome aboard!
Some people might be scared to provide permissions to an app. Arguably it’s sometimes hard to see what the app does behind the scene.
If you pay attention to the permission requested by YT Tracker, they are what we call ‘read-only‘ in developer language.
These are the two permissions requested:
View your YouTube Account (A)
View YouTube Analytics reports for your YouTube content (B)
You can translate these as “YT Tracker needs to be able to see some information about your channel (A) and some information about your videos (B)”.
Read-only means that the app has absolutely no power over your YouTube channel. The only thing the app is allowed to do is to see your channel’s analytics data. This way it can display your watch time, your subscriber count, video level analytics data and so on.
Is YT Tracker safe?
So yes, YT Tracker is safe. The app won’t temper in any way with your channel. As opposed to other apps who often require “write permissions” (i.e. giving the ability to upload, delete or update some of your videos), YT Tracker won’t be allowed to modify or delete anything from your channel. All it does is read and display information about your channel to give you insights.
If you have any questions about how the app works, you will find a way to contact the creator directly inside the app. Navigate to the Settings tab and you will find a Contact form option.
For more details, you can find the Terms of Use & Privacy Policy here.